Friday, May 18, 2007

Conversation at work

Me: I think she has a girl crush on me
Coworker: I think she's lesbian
Me: (shiver in a creeped out manner)
Coworker: There are two kinds of Lesbians, pretty lesbians, and rambo lesbians.

There you have it




Wednesday, May 16, 2007

For a blog called Laura explains it all, I sure have a lot of questions.

So I have another question that wanders the halls of my mind everytime I'm in the car and hear either two of the following songs.

Wasted by Carrie Underwood.
Before he Cheats by Carrie Underwood.

Let me give you some lyrics, and then I will give you my quandry.

(From Wasted)
I don't wanna' spend my life jaded
Waitin' to wake up one day and find
That I've let all these years go by

(From Before he cheats)
I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped up 4 wheel drive,
carved my name into his leather seats.
I took a louisville slugger to both head lights,
slashed a hole in all 4 tires.

So these two songs seem to be very conflicting. Don't get me wrong, carving my name in someone's seats, and crushing their head lights sounds very empowering, but don't you thinking it's living life a little jaded?

Carrie, I wish you would make up your mind.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Enrique has a new song

Can anyone tell me why all of Enrique Iglesias' songs sound the same?

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Such a Copycat

I'm not sure why I'm doing this other than, I need to do a new blog, and I'm too tired to write my own stuff right now.

Four jobs I have had in my life -
1. Paper Girl
2. Cook
3. TOYS "R" US Guru.
4. Staffing Consultant

Four movies I watch over and over again -
1. The Best Two Years
2. The Wizard of Oz
3. Stomp the Yard
4. Coach Carter

Four places I have lived -
1. Virginia
2. Rexburg, ID
3. Denver, CO
4. Aurora, CO

Four television shows I watch -(This is when I acutally sit down and watch TV, and I don't do it as much as I would like to.)
1. Gilmore Girls
2. Boston Legal
3. Lost
4. The Hills

Four places I have gone on vacation -
1. Disney World and Land
2. The Outerbanks
3. NYC
4. Atlanta

Four websites I visit daily -
3. Gmail
4. MySpace

Four of my favorite foods -
1. Cereal
2. Ice Cream
3. Grapes and Apricots
4. French Fries

Four places I'd rather be right now -
2. Kings Dominion
3. Elissa's house.
4. Vegas

Five people I tag -
No One