Friday, May 18, 2007

Conversation at work

Me: I think she has a girl crush on me
Coworker: I think she's lesbian
Me: (shiver in a creeped out manner)
Coworker: There are two kinds of Lesbians, pretty lesbians, and rambo lesbians.

There you have it





leslie said...

i KNEW we'd get around to you explaining everything instead of just asking questions!

although sometimes the one who dares to ask the questions is the one who finds the answers. boldly go where no man has gone before. i mean, there are exceptions. if no man has ventured the rambo lesbians there is probably a good reason...

Ms.LMC said...

Rambo told me the other day that she liked my outfit, and I wore very cute things.

I'm just hoping she's not really Lesbo...