Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My vent

Okay so my co-workers have told me a lot lately of why I'm still single. Instead of venting on that, I want to write about an issue that I feel is discrimination in the workplace.

To give you some background, I am in an office of four women.(Although one is a temp). I am the only one of these ladies without a spouse. That too is not my complaint. My complaint is when it comes to getting personal calls. I don't really get any on the work phone because I don't give out my work number, but all three of the other ladies always get calls from their husbands (granted, my boss is included here, and she owns the business, so she can do as she pleases.) Anyway, I feel that if I were getting personal calls all the tim, I might get in trouble. So because I have not been as successful in some areas of life as they have, should I be denied some of the same privileges? I think it's not fair!

And oh yeam, I feel the same way about smokers. Smokers always get more smoke breaks.


Julie said...

Laura, being a temp does not make you less of a woman.

Ms.LMC said...

I know it doesn't make you less than a woman, but it does make you not counted as one of the real workers in our office.