Thursday, November 6, 2008


I'm doing much better today. I'm able to type this without my hand being in pain extreme pain. As long as I don't rub it on anything, I'm okay. My face is kind of stiff. The worst part is the left side of my face. I had mascara on my eye lashes, and I think when they got burned, it got burned on. I can't get it off. I'm afraid to pull because my eye lashes are so short now. I must say it's weird to have your eye lids burned. I'm excited to stop wearing the Ointment so I don't look like so much of a grease face.

OK, so there were a couple of requests for pictures so I to please my adoring fans, I am posting. I must say that it really just looks like a bad sunburn. You can see the eyebrow a bit. I tried the best I could to capture the lost of hair. It looks like I gave myself a little buzz right at the top. You really don't notice unless you know about it, and you look up close.

Again, I can't say how blessed I was. The more I think about it, the more I realize how scary it really was. I keep having flash backs of a flame flying in my face. I'm going to get checked out tomorrow. They wanted me to come in for a follow-up. If anything is wrong, I'll let you know.

So enjoy the pictures. (So try your best to see the short hairs. Also I realized that you really can't tell how bad my hand really looks, mainly because I have stubby little gnome hands, and I have a natural red tint. As the maintenance man Irving told me, I always just look a little red.)


leslie said...

please convey to your employer my utmost sincerity when i request their purchase of a new appliance

2nd said...

Ouch!! I'm sorry you got hurt! Thanks for posting some pics. We miss you here!